Refund Policy
Except as required by law, all payments to CFI are non-refundable, including fees and any other associated charges.
Canceling your subscription will not generate a refund. Your access to CFI's paid content will remain active until your current billing cycle ends.
CFI's subscriptions renew automatically on an annual basis. Autorenewal must be disabled before renewal to ensure no renewal fees are incurred.
CFI for Teams Policy
Payment is due within 30 days of invoice issuance unless otherwise stated in your contract. Executed Order Forms for purchasing CFI for Teams are legally binding and cannot be canceled.
Under the laws applicable in your jurisdiction, you may qualify for a refund if you are a citizen of the European Union. As a citizen of the European Union, you are entitled to a full refund within 14 days after the subscription begins.
Important Note: This 14-day period begins when you pay for your subscription, not on the first day you begin training.