The CFI Honor Pledge

Program candidates must sign and abide by the CFI Honor Pledge to receive and maintain program certification. Failure to abide by the CFI Honor Pledge will result in the revocation of one's certificates.

Click here to read about the CFI Honor Pledge on our website.

CFI Honor Pledge Overview

All CFI students, including FMVA®, CBCA®, CMSA®, BIDA®, FPWM™, and FTIP™ candidates and certification holders, must pledge to abide by the Corporate Finance Institute® (CFI) Code of Ethics.

To confirm your understanding, you must click to check the points listed on the Honor Pledge (outlined below), enter your full name, and submit.

  • ✅ I will complete all exercises, quizzes, or qualified assessments without unpermitted assistance;
  • ✅ I will not share course access with other persons;
  • ✅ I will not plagiarize on projects, quizzes, assignments, or assessments;
  • ✅ I will not post or share any learning resources or testing materials without the permission of CFI;
  • ✅ I will conduct myself with demeanor in accordance with maintaining the reputation and integrity of the profession, CFI, FMVA®, CBCA®, CMSA®, BIDA®, FPWM™, and FTIP™ certifications;
  • ✅ I will withdraw myself of any influences which may impair or affect my professional judgement in any capacity;
  • ✅ I will notify CFI immediately upon discovery of any other persons violating the CFI Code of Ethics.
  • ✅ I agree to abide by CFI’s honor pledge. I understand that failure to do so could result in the revocation of my certificate.

Locating the Honor Pledge

You can find the honor pledge from your dashboard by navigating to:

  • Course Catalog ➡️ Select the Certification or Specialization ➡️ Click CFI Honor Pledge
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