Locating Your Receipt

If you have questions about your receipt that are not included in this article, please email us at [email protected].

Retrieving Your Receipt

Follow the steps below to retrieve a receipt post-purchase:

Step Process Visual/Links
1. Log in to your CFI dashboard. Click here to open the login panel.

Click "My Account" at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Select "Profile" from the dropdown menu.

My Account/Profile
3. Click "Settings" at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Dashboard / Settings
4. Click into the "Billing" tab, then click "View" in line with the receipt you want to view or download.
Settings / Billing

Adding an Address to Your Receipt

Step Process Visual/Link
1. From the "Settings" Screen, click "Personal Information."

2. Enter Country, City, State, and Zip Code if applicable. Click Save.
Settings / Personal Information
3. Click "Billing," then click "View" on the receipt you need to view or download. You should now see a billing address on your receipt.
Settings / Billing
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