Coupon Codes & Discounts

Applying a Coupon Code at Checkout

You will first need to create an account to purchase a CFI subscription. Once you've created an account and logged in to your dashboard, follow the steps below to apply your coupon code at checkout.

  1. Choose the subscription you'd like to purchase and add it to your cart.
  2. Fill in the required fields: Country, Postal Code, and Payment Details.
  3. Click "Have a Coupon?" to reveal the Coupon Code field.
  4. Input your code in the Coupon Code field and click "Apply."
    • Please note taking this action but not proceeding to purchase will invalidate your coupon code.

The total amount due will be updated to reflect the discount. Click "Place Order" or "PayPal Checkout" to proceed.

Good news: as long as your subscription remains active, your future renewals will be at this discounted rate.


CFI Promotional Pricing

We run promotions for discounts on our subscriptions fairly regularly. We recommend keeping an eye out for emails from our marketing team and periodically checking our pricing page if there is a particular promotion you're looking to take advantage of.

Ensure you receive our marketing communications by creating a free account with your primary email address.

Discount Eligibility

  • Discounts are only applicable during the promotional period. We cannot provide a code if this window is missed.
    • Coupon codes will show "expired" upon entering at checkout when the promotional period has ended.
  • We cannot provide a refund for the difference if your purchase is made before a promotional period.
  • Your subscription must remain active (no lapse in payment) to keep your discounted renewal rate.
  • If your subscription renews within seven days of a promotional period, you can apply the discount to your renewal.
  • Individual promotional rates do not apply to CFI for Teams purchases.
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