How to Set Up Azure Data Studio

Azure Data Studio is a lightweight, cross-platform data management and development tool with connectivity to popular cloud and on-premises databases. Azure Data Studio supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, with immediate capability to connect to Azure SQL and SQL Server.

CFI Courses that Require Azure Studio

Setting up an Azure Studio connection is necessary for the following courses:

Downloading Azure Data Studio

Click here for a video overview of how to complete the installation process.

  1. Install Azure Data Studio and access SQL Server.
  2. Select your platform from the options shown below:

    Downloading Azure Data Studiuo

Avoid clicking the Download SQL Server option at the top-right side of the screen and only choose from the options mentioned above.

SQL Server download which is not needed

Connecting to Azure Data Studio

You will see the Welcome screen if you're opening Azure Data Studio for the first time. If the welcome screen does not appear, click Help then Welcome.

Depending on the version you have, you can connect by:

    • Clicking New > New Connection 
    • Clicking Create a connection 
    • Clicking the top-left icon to create a connection

      Connecting to a server

Enter the authentication credentials in the Connection Details window, then click Connect.

  • You can find these details outlined below or in your student files. Please ensure the authentication type is an SQL Login and  NOT Windows authentication.

    Authentication type

Please follow this troubleshooting document if you are experiencing issues.

After reviewing the guide above, contact us at [email protected] if you need further assistance.

Authentication Credentials

The credentials should match the following:

Course Name Database User Name Password
SQL Fundamentals AdventureWorksDW BI_User CFI123456789!
Financial Statements in Power BI GLRetail_FinanceDW User_GLRetail 4bida522!
Tableau Trading Dashboard StockPricesDW ReportingUser CFICapitalPartners789#

CFI Capital Partners Stocks DatabaseServer:

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