Course Update | Math for Finance Professionals

This article contains the historical updates and changes to CFI's Math for Finance Professionals course.

Update History:

Update History

Announcement Date Effective Date
June 15, 2024 July 15, 2024

🗓️ Updates Effective July 15, 2024

Summary of Changes

  • Breaking down longer lessons: Longer lessons have now been divided into shorter, bite-sized lessons to help learners absorb material more easily.
  • Introduction of new interactive exercises: The Math for Finance Professionals course now includes more interactive exercises designed to engage learners actively with the lessons and enhance their understanding. 

Please note: learners who have not completed the Math for Finance Professionals course by July 15, 2024, will be subject to the new requirements to earn a completion certificate.

Why were these updates implemented?

The primary rationale for updating the Math for Finance Professionals course is to enhance the learner experience. By restructuring the course content into smaller, more manageable segments, learners can progress comfortably, facilitating a better understanding of the concepts. Additionally, incorporating interactive exercises makes the learning process more dynamic and hands-on.

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