Final Exam Retake Policy
To protect the integrity of our exams, CFI requires a 30-day waiting period between retakes.

Exam Retake Fees
There is no extra cost to retake a final exam. You must have an active subscription to attempt a final exam.
Exam Retake Limits
There is no limit to the number of times you can retake an exam. You must wait 30 days between attempts, but exams can be taken as many times as needed until a passing score is achieved. Exams cannot be retaken once passed.
Exam Retake Waiting Period Exceptions
We will exempt the 30-day waiting period in the following scenarios:
- The exam platform kicked you out or was glitching.
- Your internet connection was interrupted during the exam.
- Your computer crashed or shut down.
To apply for an exception, please email us at [email protected]
Please note that exam progress is recorded in detail. If questions were completed in full, and there were no documented no disruptions, we will not exempt you from the waiting period.
We will not exempt the 30-day waiting period because:
- An exam was failed due to insufficient studying/knowledge.
- Your subscription is set to expire before your retake.
- Your employer is requesting you to complete the program before a specific deadline.
Practice Exams
Practice exams are available to be taken once all program requirements have been met.
Practice exams can be taken as many times as needed, with no waiting period in between. We recommend taking the practice exams multiple times until you're comfortable in your understanding of the material.
While practice exams aren't exactly like the final exam, they will give you the best frame of reference for the final's structure, content, and difficulty level.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the fee to retake a final exam?
- There are no extra costs for final exam retakes other than your subscription fees.
What happens if my subscription expires before the 30-day waiting period ends?
- An active subscription must be held to access final exams. In this case, you must renew your subscription to retake the exam.
Can I allow my subscription to expire and then take the exam retake in a few weeks or months?
- Yes, your progress will be saved on your dashboard, allowing you to pick up where you left off. You will be able to go straight to the final exam retake once your subscription is active again.
Can I retake my final exam if I passed on the first attempt?
- No, you cannot retake a final exam once you have earned a passing score.